I have created a few new pages within the last couple days:
About/Software – Software I use. I plan to update this to list software I use on my computer in case anyone wants to know.
Howto/Dual Boot – Page will cover how to dual boot and some issues one can enconter. Right now it just has links to How-To Geek articles. I plan on writing articles on removing Windows XP and returning to just Vista, sharing data between the OSes, using EasyBCD if VistaBootPro doesn’t work, find Windows XP drivers and other related things I think of.
Howto/Blue Screen Error – Dealing with Blue Screen Errors. Just lists info about it right now. I plan to list common Blue Screen Errors and how to fix them, finding help for other errors and more.
Tweaks – Any tweaks I think of to put. Put now I just have one registry tweak. I don’t use it but it was requested on the forum so I added it.